Over the years Alex Cater has been a Professional Big Wave surfer, TV show host, top selling Sales Executive and Depression survivor.
Having dedicated and surfed some of the scariest and deadliest waves on the planet. In 2008 he won The Oakley/Surfing Life Big Wave Awards for biggest wave ridden measuring over 60ft high.
But at the core of his true self there was always something more and the study of Metaphysics, The Mystic Arts, Plant Medicines and Energy Work lead him down the path of Remote Energy Clearing, Energy Coaching and helping others through this deep work.
Having to overcome his own deep fears and personal traumas through this work has given Alex a true direct experience and understanding of human consciousness, psychology and the human etheric energy field.
He has been fortunate enough to work and train with some of the most revered Metaphysical Teachers and Energy Healers in the world like Khris Krepcik, Stuart Wilde, Jona Bryndis and Jeff Casper.
From Remote distance and in trance states, Alex is able read, scan and clear a persons energy field and be able to dive deep into their subconscious to clear energetic blocks, binds, dark energies and entities and assist in speeding up a persons own energy field. This allows the persons own innate ability to heal themselves, bringing to the surface lifetimes of fear, trauma and karmic events that can then be understood, cleared and let go of.
This combined with the unique ability of being able to deeply engage with people while holding space for them to trust, allow and open up to face there most debilitating fears.
This Energy Coaching allows a person to take responsibility for themselves and their own energy, not falling into ego traps and self sabotage letting people move forward through life with confidence, courage and a new found determination, without Fear.
Alex is at heart an ocean, animal and nature lover.
“When you let go of Fear, the Truth will appear, so Simple and Clear” — Hearts Mystery
Client Referals
“I would highly recommend working with Alex, he has so much to offer in regard to helping you find both where and why you might be feeling ‘stuck’ in any aspect of this life-journey. Being able to tap into your energetic ‘layers’ allows him to interpret any mental, emotional, or physical blockages that may be holding you back and which possibly were not even within your awareness.
This energetic ‘coaching’ is extremely helpful in breaking the cycles of self-sabotage and enabling us to tap back into that often forgotten inner-power and courage so that we can make the changes that we want within ourselves and our lives.
Thank you Alex for all that you have helped me with and to get through”
“A friend shared a post about Fear-Less Energy Coaching and I immediately felt called to book a session. I had no expectations and no prior experience with remote energy healing.
We booked a time and on commencing the session I immediately felt very safe and it was the deepest and most profound meditative state I have ever been in. I was in a void of nothingness, no thoughts, no attachments, no body.
The session was two weeks ago and I have had some dramatic shifts. I feel I have let go of an unhealthy attachment to a past partner that I just couldn’t seem to release. I haven’t had any alcohol since the session, I usually love a wine but my body has no interest in drinking. I also feel very mindful and considerate of my diet and feel less hungry.
The words that kept coming up for me the day after my appointment was ”I feel whole”. I am very grateful I followed my intuition and one session with Alex felt like an equivalent of years of counselling. In deepest gratitude, Jules.”
“As soon as I connected with Alex through a mutual friend I immediately wanted to know more about Fear-Less Energy and the services offered. Although I was sceptical of the process at first, the effect it has had on calming my overactive thought patterns has been profound. I am so much more grounded and present in my daily life, and have felt a real shift in confidence and self worth which has always been a struggle for me. Alex’s communication both before and after the remote energy clearing session were so useful in breaking everything down in a way that was easy to understand and I always felt there was no judgement. It has really opened my eyes up to a whole new world of self awareness and perspective and allowed me to work towards really living my best life.”